Sunday, October 23, 2011

Week 8/Final Post: A Short, but Sweet Summary of my Techie Adventures

So, after eight weeks of weekly posts about how new technological and marketing ideas can help take the electronic publishing industry and the ebook to a whole new level of popularity, the time has finally come to sum up our time together.
Throughout the semester, we've come to discover how new technological devices like RFID tags/readers, and other marketing tools such as Twitter/other social media and Excel can help improve the electronic publishing industry. We've also learned about the types of operating systems that are the brain power behind the devices, which I myself and I'm sure plenty of others, had no clue about before reading the posts. From week to week, I learned a lot about the technology behind the ebook, which I never would have understood or known about before taking this class and learning technological lingo during lecture.
Overall, I think I gained a lot of practical knowledge from this project. Instead of just listening to the weekly lecture and memorizing the buckets of information covered during that short time period two times a week, this project forced me to apply each concept to my idea. In this way, I was forced to understand each concept covered in lecture on a deeper level of understanding. By applying the concept to a real life problem, I've come to love this field of study and hope to minor in IST in the future so that I can continue to understand various elements of technology on a much deeper level that will allow me to apply each concept to other parts of my life.

Here's a short guide to the blogs I commented on:
1. I'm an Entrepenuar - by Sarah Schuster
Where is the comment?: I commented on "Blog Post #1"

2. E.Brennan's Blog - by Evan Brennan
Where is the comment?: I commented on the first post, "Guitar Case Auto-Humidifier/Thermometer"

3. Pocket^2 - by Andrew Carlson
Where is the comment?: I commented on the first post, "My Big New Idea"

So that's all for me and my Techie Adventures, I hope you enjoyed my journey through IST195!

Lots o' love,

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